Mammals, birds, Herps, Fish and INSECTS

Wildlife of Toronto's High Park

Gallery: Young Birds in High Park

Spring and summer are a busy time for wildlife. Watch carefully and you may see birds carrying food to the nest, or hear the tiny peeps of hungry young. Canada Goose goslings. Photo: Katherine Pawling Canada Goose chicks. Photo: JM…
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Bees in High Park

by High Park Nature High Park’s black oak savannah provides ideal conditions for a diversity of bees. The sandy soil – exposed to the sun’s warming rays – and the abundant prairie flowers provide ideal nesting habitat and floral resources.…
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Mammals in High Park

  Located in the heart of Canada’s largest city, High Park, with its varied habitats, continues to support healthy populations of several mammal species. Most are residents but some are occasional visitors from nearby natural areas. A native of prairie…
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High Park supports a wide variety of wildlife including chipmunks and bats, ducks, hawks and herons, fish and frogs, and numerous insects including butterflies and bees. Although it is situated in the heart of Canada’s largest city, High Park's size, diverse habitats and proximity to Lake Ontario and the Humber Valley make it attractive to both resident breeding species and migrants. A few opportunistic species have taken advantage of habitat changes and disturbances caused by human activities and recreational demands. Other mostly native species are already responding positively to ongoing restoration efforts.

Blue Jay and Grey Squirrel. Photo: JM
Blue Jay and Grey Squirrel. Photo: JM

High Park's Wildlife by Numbers

267 species

of birds known to occur in High Park; well over 150 species are regularly seen and more than 50 species breed in the park

Black-capped Chickadee. Photo: Lu Liu

18 species

of mammals known to occur in High Park


9 species

of herps - amphibians and reptiles; turtles, snakes, frogs and toads, salamanders

Green Frog. Photo: Bob Yukich

12 species

of fish

Pumpkinseed. Photo: Karen Yukich

74 species

of butterflies have been found in High Park in recent years, and many of these are known to breed here; a variety of other insects such as dragonflies and bees populates High Park as well

Peck's Skipper. Photo: Bob Yukich

over 1000 species

of moths have been found in High Park in recent years, from tiny micros to showy underwings

Epicallima argenticinctella. Photo: David Beadle

Help protect High Park's wildlife

Please stay on the trail and take care not to disturb wildlife or damage their habitat.

When walking with your dog, always keep it on-leash (except in permitted off-leash areas), on-trail and under your control.

What to do if you find a bird or other animal in distress? Check the Toronto Wildlife Centre hotline website or complete their Request for Assistance Form. You can also call TWC at (416) 631-0662 or contact 311.

Articles, Galleries and Guides

Biodiversity Booklet Series

Includes: Birds, Butterflies, Spiders, Fishes, Mammals, Bees, Reptiles and Amphibians, Mushrooms, and Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Toronto. Free copies may be available at your local Toronto Public Library branch. To find out more about these free guidebooks or to download a pdf version, visit the City of Toronto's Biodiversity website.

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Trees + Shrubs



Wetland Plants

Invasive Plants



