Other Groups & EventsCollected by High Park Nature

There are many activities happening in Toronto and beyond online that you may also be interested in attending or groups that you may want to receive newsletters from. Here are a few of them to get you started. 



Free Gardening and iNaturalist Webinars April 6 to 11 Webinars on National Wildlife Week

Recording Wildlife With iNaturalist Canada

Other topics:

Topics include Observations from Isolation: Creating a Wildlife-friendly Garden, #DoMoreForWildlife


In the Zone Gardens

In September and October, WWF-Canada, along with various local collaborators, is participating in a series of neighbourhood events to help communities restore wildlife habitat in parts of West Toronto. ITZ Upcoming Events and main website

Project Swallowtail We’re looking for volunteers interested in becoming Block Ambassadors for a habitat restoration initiative in west Toronto. Sign-up form

Green 13 is a group of Ward 13 residents concerned about the impact humans are having on our climate and environment. Green 13 website Subscribe to their excellent newsletter

North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)

NANPS is committed to preserving native plant habitat in wild areas and restoring indigenous flora to developed areas. main website


The Horticultural Societies of Parkdale & Toronto

The focus of the Horticultural Societies of Parkdale & Toronto is community gardening — making it accessible to those of all ages and physical or mental abilities. The funds raised at our annual Plant Fair and the Garden Tour go to support approximately fifteen community gardens. There are also presentations and many projects. main website


Stewardship and Environmental News

This is an excellent resource and Blog by Jason Ramsay-Brown

Toronto's Ravines and Urban Forests a new book on our urban forests ravines.to

Stewardship Network Monthly Webcasts from noon to 1 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, covering a variety of conservation and land management topics.

EarthNet World

A new platform to find people, projects and organizations working on climate and ecological action. You can also ask questions and share information on almost any climate change related topic.

Native Plant Sales 2024

There are many groups having native plant sales this year (not High Park though). Many require pre-ordering so start now.

Save our Migrating Birds

Never Collide is a volunteer-led advocacy group dedicated to ending bird-glass collisions in Canada.
Building a network of volunteers who engage with property owners of hot spots and residential homeowners to implement mitigation measures to solve the problem. Yes, there really are success stories.

PF&R has a YouTube Channel

Nature in the City is a series of short videos on native plants and invasive species (Buckthorn) produced by Toronto Parks Forestry and Recreation staff. Also see additional Video list

There are many online workshops and recordings from other nature groups available for viewing.

Youtube videos for Other Groups
There are many online workshops and recordings from other nature groups available for viewing.

High Park Nature Centre has online learning and some adult learning opportunities and specializes in student activities.

Seedy Saturday Listingsand recordings of Speaker Series presentations are available now.

Community Stewardship Program Orientation Sessions (virtual, free)

Pollinator Partnership YouTube channel. This now includes the Stewardship Training series. Bee City YouTube channel 

Live Green Toronto  An excellent source of gardening information and events. Sign up for the newsletter.

PROJECT SWALLOWTAIL website (original)
is a collaborative effort to connect communities street by street and empower residents to restore nature in and near Toronto. Participants have access to a map that allows them to contact each other for activities and support. The Facebook page is a great tool for networking with fellow habitat gardeners. You can share information, ideas, plants and seeds. Our new website is under construction.

EcoSpark is an environmental charity connecting people to their local natural environment through education, monitoring and stewardship. (workshops, education and training)

EcoSpark Geohub collaborates with schools, community groups and adult volunteers who gather and collect citizen science data. The data featured in our applications (story maps, dashboards and web maps) come from our participants and citizen science databases.

Park People supports and mobilizes community park groups, community organizers, non-profits, park professionals and funders who activate the power of parks.


Stewards Winter 2022 Newsletter

Advocacy Groups compilation (pdf) of organizations that have campaigns supporting nature and ProtectNatureTO web page that will be updated throughout the year.

Winterize Your Lawn and Garden (TRCA) 2021

Douglas Tallamy Oct 17 2021 Presentation and Resources

Other links for Fall 2021

Links Compilation 2020 by Coleen Cirillo

Groups with Programs and Recordings

2022 Green Toronto Virtual Learning Series
The following sessions are recorded for viewing at your convenience.
Winter Birds in the Urban Jungle, Toronto's Most Notorious Tree Killers, Winter Tree Identification: Bark Branches and Buds , Soil: The Foundation for Life , Fishes of Toronto: The Effects of the Surrounding Landscape on Fish Habitat


Toronto Field Naturalists lectures for members. Recordings on YouTube channel. As of Sept 11, 2022 the lectures will be available online and in person.

Toronto Public Library

- see Our Fragile Planet and Environmentalist in Residence Programs. All programs are free of charge and a library card is not required. Recordings and Upcoming Programs
Grow Milkweeds for Monarch Butterflies.

Toronto Environmental Directory

Your gateway to Toronto environmental organizations, sustainable business, green jobs, environmental volunteering, courses and events in the Toronto area.


TRCA community learning event
At home with Nature TRCA e-Learning.

Seedy Saturday Library has links to webinars and documents on seeds and gardening including those for 2022.


Lists of places to find native plants, plant bloom times and growing conditions etc.

Links to groups that provide this information can be found below.


Pollinator Partnership Facebook group and webinars

Bee City Canada has merged with Pollinator Partnership and has many resources available. Toronto was the first Canadian Bee City.

Pollinator Habitat Restoration in Municipalities - Calgary (Street medians and boulevards projects)

LEAF has many activities including native plant and tree plantings, workshops and among other resources provide garden kits to plant at own homes. Please read the Blogs to find out more about the people and programs supported.

Lorraine Johnson website and Blog
The author of numerous books on growing native plants, gardening for pollinators, restoring habitat, and producing food in cities, Lorraine’s work focuses on people and communities growing plants, ecological health, and connection to nature and to each other.


Meetings, Resources, Links to related organizations and blogs

Ontario Biodiversity Council

The Ontario Biodiversity Council was created in 2005 in fulfillment of an action in the province’s first Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy. Council members represent conservation and environmental groups, industry associations, Indigenous organizations, natural history institutions, academia and government agencies.

OPRA - The Ontario Plant Restoration Alliance focuses on collaborative seed conservation, and ecological capacity building to support habitat restoration. We work with co-operators (nurseries) across southern Ontario to advocate for plants, and the plan for diverse, and ecologically appropriate restoration projects.

North American Native Plant Society

YouTube video channel

Seedex (seed exchange)

Speakers and workshops

Plant Rescue Alert - sign up at rescues@nanps.org


City of Toronto programs

This newsletter contains great information on other city stewardship groups. Calendar of Stewardship Sessions. Also see Twitter Toronto Forestry and Facebook Nature in the city and the city website Green Toronto Stewardship Program and Community Stewardship Newsletter September and Live Green Toronto. Spring 2022 newsletter

Toronto Nature Stewards

TNS a group of volunteers, citizens, and scientists dedicated to “protecting, regenerating, and celebrating” the Toronto Ravine System and natural spaces. Activities include litter pickup, removal of garlic mustard, dog-strangling vine, Japanese knotweed, burdock, monitoring and more. If you or someone you know wants to lend a hand in helping nature in Toronto, please review the option to Become a Steward, or send a message using the Contact Us form.

Resource list: Easy to Identify Winter Plants

Colborne Lodge Events

Follow John Howard's journey to Canada on Facebook (see entries from 2013)

Invasive Plants

CCIPR - Canadian Coalition for Invasive Plant Regulation (Facebook Group). The CCIPR believes that Action is urgently needed to curb the spread of invasive plant species in Canada., in particular by the horticulture industry.

New Funding for Park Groups

The Partnership Development Unit of Parks, Forestry & Recreation helps grassroots community groups with their fundraising projects, and we welcome support and funding from corporations, foundations and philanthropists. Working together, we have successfully raised millions of dollars for parks, recreation and urban forestry projects for the benefit of Torontonians and visitors. Please contact us to discuss your needs and projects.

Also see Park People for Weston Family Grants to Parks.

TRCA Online Resources (Toronto and Region Conservation Authority)

Discover new e-Learning videos, activities, lesson plans, and more. These resources are designed to help families, teachers and their classes deepen their knowledge of nature, ecology, the environment and their place in it.

Toronto Botanical Gardens Toronto Botanical Gardens 777 Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto, ON. TBG offers an array of 17 award-winning themed gardens spanning nearly four acres, designed to educate and inspire. You'll also find a complete range of innovative indoor and outdoor learning experiences for all ages including programs, garden tours, nature day camps, organic farmers' market and an extensive horticultural library. Events

Toronto Community Garden Network TCG members are committed to greening and sustainable gardening practices across the City of Toronto, and to make community gardening an integral part of city life. Check events in Feb-Mar for Seedy Saturday and Sundays

Upcoming Events and Workshops - LEAF LEAF has many activities and demonstration native plant gardens at specific subway secondary entrances (including High Park).

Nature Workshops

Explore the wildflower diversity of High Park with seasoned naturalist and educator Richard Aaron. Each of the hikes will focus on the intriguing variety of plants blooming at that time, along with ample discussions on their natural history, ecology, lore and uses.

Save the Plants, Save the World...

Other Links

Toronto Field Naturalists Promoting a love of nature in Toronto since 1923.

ProtectNatureTO Advocating for the protection of wildlife and natural areas across the City of Toronto

Stewardship Network of Ontario

Humber Arboretum Centre for Urban Ecology

Toronto Botanical Garden

The International Year of Forests, 2011

Nature Canada

Tallgrass Ontario

Carolinian Canada Coalition

Plenty Canada In recognition that Indigenous peoples carry vital knowledge for a contemporary path of sustainable living for everyone, Plenty Canada's projects are rooted within various Indigenous traditions.

Ontario Nature Please sign the Ontario Nature's 20/20 Vision: A Biodiversity Charter for Ontario

LEAF Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests, backyard tree planting, native plant kits and much more.

Native Plant Girl An excellent resource listing for Stewardship in Toronto (older information).

Farms at Work Promoting healthy and active farmlands in East Central Ontario. Info on native pollinators and sustainable agriculture.

The Sustainability Network works with environmental non-profits to make them more effective and efficient.

Evergreen Brickworks Open year-round, Evergreen Brick Works is a community environmental centre that inspires and equips visitors to live, work and play more sustainably.

PaRx: How we can better human health by protecting the planet, why healthcare workers are positioned to take up the climate justice fight, and how nature is the doctor-recommended prescription we all need to fill.

Climate Action Community in Toronto has a map of many groups working on climate related issues. Filter for Nature to see the biodiversity groups.



A ravine-land who’s who: Take a virtual hike through our urban ecosystems and the threats they face from humans


In cities like Toronto where ravines and valleys define the landscape, what we imagine is unspoiled wilderness is being constantly changed by urbanization, non-native species and pollution. Here, a naturalist and an illustrator show you what to look for

We’re in a biodiversity crisis. What we plant and how we alter landscapes matter

By Lorraine Johnson and Sheila Colla
Mon., April 19, 2021, Toronto Star

... The science is clear: habitat loss and fragmentation cause species loss and worsen the effects of climate change. We need to protect remaining habitat, but we also need to create it in places where we have green-paved it with lawns and non-native species. ...

Biodiversity Booklet Series

Includes: Birds, Butterflies, Spiders, Fishes, Mammals, Bees, Reptiles and Amphibians, Mushrooms, and Trees, Shrubs and Vines of Toronto. Free copies may be available at your local Toronto Public Library branch. To find out more about these free guidebooks or to download a pdf version, visit the City of Toronto's Biodiversity website.

What's New?








Trees + Shrubs



Wetland Plants

Invasive Plants



