
Cicada. Photo: Bob Yukich

What's that Buzz?

On the hot days of summer the air is full of the sound of cicadas. Read more about cicadas in High Park >>

Spicebush Swallowtail female. Photo: Bob Yukich

On the Wing

High Park's abundant sassafras trees support Toronto's only known breeding colony of Spicebush Swallowtails, a southern species.  Read more about butterflies in High Park »

Woodland Sunflower. Photo: Wendy Rothwell

Savannah Flowers

This is peak flowering time for many savannah plants. Look for woodland sunflower, black-eyed Susan, butterfly milkweed, cup plant and many others. See the Savannah Flowers Gallery »

Map of High Park

Download PDF map of High Park.

For more maps of High Park see Maps and Directions »

Tours, Walks, and Talks

What's New?

Finding and Caring for Native Plants Native plant sales, Resources and Community Groups

Now is the time to think about adding more native plants to your garden to help create a haven for wildlife including pollinators, insects and birds. When planning your garden think about how the plants provide food and shelter throughout…

Sakura – Cherry Trees in High Park How this Japanese tradition came to High Park.

High Park’s cherry trees are blooming! Vehicle access is closed in the park. For more information, including a map of locations, virtual tours and accessibility information visit the City’s Cherry Blossoms webpage. Please take care to respect wildlife and their…

Responsible Use

Resources, tips and advice on how to balance recreation and taking care of nature when visiting Toronto's High Park.

You can help protect High Park
Your voice as a concerned citizen lends weight to issues that matter to you, the community and the park as a whole.

If you see any behaviour infractions, dead animals, safety hazards or other problems in the park, call 311 or email More key contacts.

Make a difference by volunteering with High Park Stewards or the Natural Environment Committee.

Our Partners and Supporters








Trees + Shrubs



Wetland Plants

Invasive Plants



