For at least a decade the High Park Natural Environment Committee (NEC) has been urging the City of Toronto to put an end to fishing at Grenadier Pond. The committee’s concerns are well documented in a series of letters to the City. They focus on protecting wildlife and habitat, fostering a healthy pond ecology that relies on top predator fish such as bass and pike, and adopting a science-based approach to managing this Provincially Significant Wetland. In the meantime, this recreational activity continues to cause the suffering and death of wildlife, such as snapping turtles – a species of concern that takes up to 20 years to start to breed.
Toronto’s Sunday Star, July 10, 2022, features an article “Conservationists angling for a fight over fishing in High Park” (online or pdf). It is linked to a survey where readers are invited to express their position on this issue.
Please take a few minutes to read the article (online or pdf) and complete the survey. You may also wish to write to the City at [email protected] and to your elected officials. Let the City know how much you care about putting nature protection first.