Art In The Park

Please join us for our regular 90 minute Sunday walk. There are a number of beautiful sculptures and statues in the park – some tucked away and some in plain sight. Art enthusiast Grace Petrucci will introduce you to these.…

Who Goes to the Park

Please join us for our regular 90 minute Sunday walk. In 1984, artist Warabe Aska created a beautiful book of paintings and poems called “Who Goes To The Park.” All of the paintings were done in familiar spots in High…

Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies

The High Park Sunday Walking Tours are starting again! Join Don Scallen for a talk and walk about caterpillars, moths and butterflies. Meet at the benches, on the south side of Grenadier Restaurant at 10:30 a.m. COVID guidelines will be…

High Park Movement Study and Survey Your Opportunity to Speak Up for High Park

The City is launching the High Park Movement Strategy: “a study to improve the travel network for High Park and better serve park users and the community.” The first step is an online survey.  More information can be found on…

LDD (Gypsy) Moth Caterpillars Lymnatria dispar dispari - The "LDD Moth"

If you’ve been walking through wooded areas in the park recently, you may have heard what looks like a gentle rain pitter pattering around you. Not rain, but the munching of hundreds of Gypsy Moth caterpillars! They have been feeding…

TRCA’s 2019 Terrestrial Biological Inventory of High Park View virtual presentation

Presentation Link and Follow-Up Q&As now available! Learn about the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority’s methodology, findings and observations as presented in the final High Park Terrestrial Biological Inventory Report, 2019. A question and answer opportunity followed the presentation. Urban…

5 Important Ways to Protect Wildlife in Toronto As Spring approaches, we look forward to a new year of gardening, stewardship, bird watching and protecting the natural habitats we care about.

As Spring approaches, we look forward to a new year of gardening, stewardship, bird watching and protecting the natural habitats we care about. Some things can be accomplished by groups of people and others can be done at home. For…

Leave the Leaves for Wildlife and more things to do this spring… Don't clean-up your garden just yet insects need some time to grow

Now that spring-like weather is here, we gardeners are desperate to “get in the garden” but the insects need us to hold on just a little bit longer. Garden waste pickup begins next week (March 15) but we urge you…

Seedy Saturday Toronto – Feb. 27

This year, we’re going virtual! With current restrictions, we have decided to offer vendor information, webinars, and more in a virtual format this year – all right here! The Seeds of Diversity website has other dates across Canada.








Trees + Shrubs



Wetland Plants

Invasive Plants



