High Park Nature

High Park Nature UPDATE News from the Natural Environment Committee, January 2023

These items were discussed at the January 2023 meeting of the High Park Natural Environment Committee: A prescribed burn tour in November with TRCA, city staff and members of the committee assessed the condition of different of burn sites in…

Spraying for LDD/Spongy Moth Caterpillars Spring 2022 with Late Summer Update

High Park was sprayed for LDD Moth caterpillars (also known as Spongy Moth, previously called Gypsy Moth) in spring 2022. The first application took place on Saturday, May 28, the second one on Tuesday, May 31 and the final one…

Call for a Ban on Fishing at High Park’s Grenadier Pond Time to put nature first

For at least a decade the High Park Natural Environment Committee (NEC) has been urging the City of Toronto to put an end to fishing at Grenadier Pond. The committee’s concerns are well documented in a series of letters to…

Grenadier Pond Wetland Complex declared a Provincially Significant Wetland

We are pleased to announce that the Grenadier Pond Wetland Complex has been given “Provincially Significant Wetland” status by the Ontario government. The evaluation summary, conducted by Toronto Region Conservation for the Ministry of Northern Development, Natural Resources, and Forestry, …

High Park Movement Study and Survey Your Opportunity to Speak Up for High Park

The City is launching the High Park Movement Strategy: “a study to improve the travel network for High Park and better serve park users and the community.” The first step is an online survey.  More information can be found on…

LDD (Gypsy) Moth Caterpillars Lymnatria dispar dispari - The "LDD Moth"

If you’ve been walking through wooded areas in the park recently, you may have heard what looks like a gentle rain pitter pattering around you. Not rain, but the munching of hundreds of Gypsy Moth caterpillars! They have been feeding…

TRCA’s 2019 Terrestrial Biological Inventory of High Park View virtual presentation

Presentation Link and Follow-Up Q&As now available! Learn about the Toronto & Region Conservation Authority’s methodology, findings and observations as presented in the final High Park Terrestrial Biological Inventory Report, 2019. A question and answer opportunity followed the presentation. Urban…

New Treatment for Buckthorn Demonstration Trial Summer 2020

This summer Urban Forestry is partnering in a demonstration trial with BioForest, a forest pest management company, to manage invasive buckthorn shrubs using the bioherbicide Chontrol Peat Paste. The active ingredient Chondrostereum purpureum is a naturally occurring fungi in forest…








Trees + Shrubs



Wetland Plants

Invasive Plants



