Most of our site's photos were contributed by local photographers and taken in High Park. Please do not copy or reproduce them without permission. To contribute photos, feature your art or discuss a dedicated photo-album you would like to have on this site, please contact us.
Common Birds of High Park Wetlands, 2010. PDF (380 Kb).
Canada Goose. Photo: Katherine Pawling
Wood Duck male. Photo: Iain Fleming
Gadwall. Photo: Colin Marcano
American Wigeon pair. Photo: Suzanne Adorjan
American Black Duck. Photo: Bob Yukich
Mallard pair. Photo: Lu Liu
Northern Shoveler. Photo: Colin Marcano
Green-winged Teal. Photo: Bob Yukich
Bufflehead. Photo: Iain Fleming
Hooded Merganser male. Photo: Ken Mulhall
Hooded Merganser female. Photo: Michael Taggart
Common Merganser male. Photo: Ken Sproule
Pied-billed Grebe. Photo: Ronald Wilkins
Cormorant with catfish at Lower Duck Pond. Photo: Michael Taggart
Green Heron. Photo: Ali Pashang
Great Egret. Photo: Iain Fleming
Great Blue Heron. Photo: Richard Sigesmund
Black-crowned Night-Heron. Photo: Tony Pus
Great Blue Heron. Photo: Colin Marcano
Black-crowned Night-Heron juvenile. Photo: Iain Fleming
Virginia Rail. Photo: Kin Lau
Spotted Sandpiper. Photo: Colin Marcano
Caspian Tern. Photo: Tony Pus
Belted Kingfisher. Photo: Ken Mulhall
Eastern Kingbird. Photo: Kin Lau
Tree Swallow. Photo: Colin Marcano
Common Yellowthroat. Photo: Iain Fleming
Song Sparrow. Photo: Iain Fleming
Swamp Sparrow. Photo: Iain Fleming
Red-winged Blackbird male. Photo: Colin Marcano
Red-winged Blackbird female. Photo: Bob Yukich
Most of our site’s photos were contributed by local photographers and taken in High Park. Please do not copy or reproduce them without permission. To contribute photos, feature your art or discuss a dedicated photo-album you would like to have on this site, please contact us.